
Thursday, June 28, 2012

15mm SYW Prussian IR#2

Here are some pictures of Eureka's excellent 18mm Seven Years War figures.  The flags are free from

My first run at this unit used basing that didn't compact the ranks enough.  I've gone with a denser formation that looks a little more like what a Prussian infantry regiment might look like.  I also was advised that the leibfahn (the white flag) should be to the right of the regimental flag, so there you go.  I plan to paint up one more base for this unit, perhaps with an NCO scowling down the ranks from the edge of the line.

And below, the obligatory close-ups.  The blue is a little bright up close, but I don't think it looks as bright when you look at the units from a proper player's perspective.

 The 2nd IR leaving church.