
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Solo Piquet Tutorial Part 7: The Battle of Cross Keys

The battle continues.  12:00 p.m. turn.
Confederates have 16 morale chips.  Union have 3 morale chips.

Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 11 / Confederates 7; Union wins 4 IP.

  • Flipped Maneuver card (3 IP).
  • Flipped Maneuver card (2 IP).
  • Flipped Move in Difficult Terrain card (1 IP).
  • Flipped Infantry Move in Open card (0 IP).  Hah!  That's the card they were looking for!
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 12 / Confederates 17; Confederates win 5 IP.

  • Flipped Musket Reload card (4 IP).
  • Reloaded 13 VA for free. (Previous Heroic Moment card)
  • Recharged an Opportunity Chip (3 IP).
  • Fired 15 AL at the Union artillery (2 IP).  d12 Fire die (Medium range DOWN1 / Unlimbered target DOWN1) = d8 vs. d6.  "3" vs. "6".
  • Union West Virginia artillery opportunity fired at 15 AL (1 OIP).  They are found to be Ready (d8/d4/d6).  d8 Fire die (Target in Extended Line DOWN 1) =d6 vs. d6 defensive die.  "6" vs. "2".  1 stand lost and 1 morale chip lost.  Trimble is marked as at risk.  Union artillery is unloaded.
  • 15 Alabama reloaded (1 IP).
  • Flipped Dress Lines card (0 IP).
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 7 / Confederates 20; Confederates win 3 IP (Phase limit).

  • Flipped Artillery Move card (2 IP).
  • Flipped Heroic Moment card (1 IP).
  • Flipped Officer Check card (0 IP).  Checked risk for Confederate generals.  They all survived.
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 5 / Confederates 13; Confederates win 8 IP.

  • Trimble successfully asserts command over the 3 out of command regiments in his brigade (5 IP).    Starts as a d20 (UP2 Superior leader / Far from enemy UP1) = d20+3 vs. d8.  "20" vs. "8", "9" vs. "4", "17" vs. "7".
  • Elzey rallies the 13 VA from disorder using the free Heroic rally from the prior Heroic Moment card.  Starts as a d20 (Poor leader DOWN1 / Disordered DOWN1 / Rallying DOWN1) = d8 vs. d8.  "5" vs "3".  Confederates pay a morale chip for the rally.
  • Flipped Infantry Move in Open card (4 IP).
  • Trimble's brigade maneuver-moves forward (2 IP).
  • Elzey's brigade moves (1 IP).
  • Flipped Dress Lines card (0 IP).
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 10 / Confederates 7; Union wins 3 IP.

  • Stahel's brigade moved toward the creek in the center (2 IP).  Previously flipped Infantry Move in Open card.
  • Bohlen's brigade maneuver-moved toward the Confederates (0 IP).
Bohlen's brigade advances against the rebels.
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 17 / Confederates 14; Union wins 3 IP.

  • Recharged opportunity impetus pip (2 IP).
  • Flipped Artillery Reload card (1 IP).
  • Reloaded West Virginia battery (0 IP).
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 17 / Confederates 1; Union wins 6 IP (Phase limit).

  • Flipped Command Indecision card (0 IP).
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 20 / Confederates 8; Union wins 12 IP.

  • Flipped Musket Reload card (11 IP).
  • Fired skirmishing Girabaldi Guard at 25 VA (10 IP).  d10 Fire die (Target with Skirmish Superiority DOWN1 / Firer skirmishing in Open DOWN2 / Point Blank range UP1) = d6 vs. d6.  "2" vs. "5".  No effect.
  • Fired Bucktails at 13 VA (9 IP).  d12 Fire die (Point Blank range UP1) = d12+1 vs. d6.  "12" vs. "3".  1 stand lost because that's all the 13 VA has.  13 VA is destroyed.  Elzey marked for risk.  Confederates lose one morale chip.
  • Reloaded Bucktails (8 IP).
  • Fired 41 NY at 16 Mississippi (who had moved ahead of the 15th Alabama) (7 IP).  d10 Fire die (Uphill UP1 / Medium range DOWN1) = d10 vs. d6 defensive die.  "6" vs. "4".  2 hits, not enough to lose a stand.  Trimble is marked at risk.  41 NY is unloaded.
  • Reloaded 41 NY (6 IP).
  • Flipped Artillery Reload card (5 IP).
  • Fired West Virginia artillery battery at 16 MS (4 IP).  d8 Fire die (Point Blank range UP1) = d10 vs. d6.  "5" vs. "5".  No effect.
  • Reloaded artillery battery (3 IP).
  • Flipped Dress Lines card (2 IP).
  • Flipped Dress Lines card (1 IP).
  • Flipped Dress Lines card (0 IP).
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 17 / Confederates 13; Union wins 4 IP.

  • Flipped Infantry Move in Open card (3 IP).
  • Stahel's brigade moved closer to the Confederates.  The Bucktails crossed the creek to fill the gap left by the destroyed 13 VA (2 IP).
  • Bohlen's brigade passed through the skirmishing Garibaldi Guards and his attack columns moved into contact with the 25 VA (1 IP).
Bohlen's New Yorkers make contact!
  • 25 VA opportunity fired at 54 NY (2 OIP). d8 Fire die (Attack Column target UP1 / 1 stand lost DOWN1) =  d10 vs. d6.  "4" vs. "5".  No effect.  The militia fired at Short range.  Since they are militia, militia fire at the furthest range when they see targets for Opportunity Fire.  
  • Flipped Melee Resolution card (0 IP).  Interesting!
Initiative Roll (d20)
Union 18 / Confederates 4; Union wins 4 IP (Phase limit).

  • 54 NY fired at 25 VA (3 IP).  They are elite and found to be Battle Weary (d10/d6/d6).  d10 Fire die (First Fire UP1 / Firer in Attack Column DOWN1 / Point Blank UP1) = d12 vs. d6.  "6" vs. "5". 1 hit.
  • 58 NY fired at 25 VA (2 IP).  They are found to be Ready (d10/d8/d6).  d10 Fire die (First Fire UP1 / Firer in Attack Column DOWN1 / Point Blank UP1 / Target has Skirmish Superiority DOWN1) = d10 vs. d6.  "10" vs. "4".  2 stands lost (6+1 hits, 3 hits per stand).  Confederates lose 2 morale chips.  Both NY regiments are marked as unloaded.
  • Bohlen now has 2 regiments in contact with the battered 25 VA.  The Melee Resolution card is still face up from the previous Initiative.  I could initiate melee with both of them to get the Superior Numbers modifier, but that would leave both units unformed and out of command from the melee.  Instead I choose to fight with one of them to start with.
The melee.
  • 58 NY initiated melee with 25 VA (1 IP).  58 NY has a melee die of d8 (Initiate Melee UP1 / Attack Column in melee UP1) = d12.  25 VA(Ugh, Battle Weary militia) has a d4 Melee die (3 stands lost DOWN3) = d4.  The lowest you can have is a d4.  d12 vs. d4.  "12" vs. "1".  25 VA is destroyed.  25 VA is routed (-1 morale chip), lost 3 stands (-3 morale chips), and lost a melee (-1 morale chip).  Union gains 2 bonus impetus (3 IP).  58 NY is marked out of command and unformed.  In Hallowed Ground, only cavalry pursue.
  • Flipped Officer Check card (2 IP).  Checked officer risk for Bohlen and Stahel.  Both survived.
  • Bohlen asserted command over the 58 NY(1 IP).  d20 Leadership die (Skilled UP1 / Enemy is Far UP1) = d20+2 vs. d8.  "8" vs. "6".  58 NY is back in command.
  • Flipped Artillery Reload card (0 IP).
So, a major breakthrough for the Union after some big impetus runs.  Elzey's brigade is in trouble and attempting to move units to guard the left.  Trimble might have to lend a few regiments to stabilize the situation.  Current morale chip situation: Confederates have 6 morale chips, Union have 3 morale chips.

The situation on the Union right flank.

Bohlen urges his victorious infantry onwards.


  1. Quite the turn of fortune this round, eh?

  2. Definitely. It's amazing how many different aspects of the rules have come into play in this game.

  3. Gripping stuff .. love the impetus swings and associated frustrations .. "Brilliant"

  4. Thanks for posting this. I've recently purchased these rules and this is a brilliant tutorial.

    Steve B.

  5. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I hope to finish the game this coming weekend.

  6. Thanks for the tutorial. It's helped me understand the rules and mechanics of the game better. Have you had a chance to complete the game?


  7. Sorry! I plan to finish it in the next few weeks! I'm glad it was helpful.
